The Old Man Menu no.6
Diary of Madness
Every genius has a bit of madness within them, in its very own way. Hemingway wasn't different. Even more, he is an example of the progression of his mental illness that led to the sad end of his life. This menu is an imaginary diary of progression filled with notes, scribbles, and abstract associations.
In this menu, we took a challenge to explore flavours from perfect Balance to the unstable Free Fall into deep Chaos. Things that were clear at the very beginning will get lost by the end of the menu. Expect easy-going and straightforward drinks at the start, and experimental cocktails beyond the line at the very end.
Design has found its own expression of madness by taking a turn into the art of analogue. It is typed on an old typewriter from 1939, mixed with kissed, hand-drawn and handmade typography, with photos taken on film, and experimental scans. Only the mad would do such work in the days when everything can be generated in the blink of an eye.
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