ZVYK skin care
Good Habits
Introducing ZVYK, a new brand of one-of-a-kind skin care from Korea that celebrates the unique beauty in each of us and promotes good habits for a healthier and happier self.
We are honoured to have worked alongside ZVYK founder to develop the brand identity, from concept to packaging, website, video, and photography production.
The visual identity is based on the concept of good habits - repetition. We take simple shape, repeat it, rotate it, repeat it again, transform it, mirror it, repeat it until it becomes an unique, bold, beautiful, and expressive shape - as rare as you are.
To match the mood of teens, we disobey the holy rule of typography and not only allow but promote typeface distortion. We squeeze and stretch, mix and match, add layers, and have fun.
The logotype is a customised version of Melanzane by PlayType, with adorable lil serifs that are there and not there at the same time.
For the body copy, we chose beautiful ES Klarheit Kurrent, with playful cuts that match the logo.
Photographed with love by us too!
Featured on:
G.F. Smith Colorplan
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